If you take the WAGN line from Liverpool St. to Hertford North and get off in Ware you'll find
the remains of an old set of warehouses. Itıs currently being demolished, but until recently, the
place was a good source of wall space with plenty of room inside and out, as well as walls
visible from the tracks.
Arcae Tase & Fact |
The warehouses brought a welcome dose of graf to an area that doesn't really see a lot of
action past bombing and a few dubs that either get buffed straight away, or are in obscure
locations anyway. We have our share of doggers, but apart from the odd bit of mindless
scribbling on one or two pieces and an incident where part of one of the larger walls (complete
with a Tase piece on it) was kicked down, people either leave the place alone, or seem to
respect the stuff on the walls enough to not want to ruin it. In fact, there is a fair bit of harmless
toy action in some of the rooms that show that people are being inspired by all the graffiti there
in some way or another.
Peru Fact Tase Amor & Bue |
Before the place started getting visited by writers, it was inhabited by travellers (or whatever the
polite term is!) who lived there until shortly after some of the earlier dubs went up (they were
done on the outside walls as, obviously, there were people living on the inside). The gypsy's
legacy obviously lived on in the place as, since they left, some strange Blair Witch
Project-type stuff went on like dead pigeons being strung up in circles from the ceiling and bits
of wire and string hung up everywhere.
Tase CBK |
Tase & Arcae |
Since people have been painting there (there are still dubs by If, Doze, Tase, Sere and Bue
from circa 93) most of the walls have been pieced and gone over countless times, although some
walls from 97 by Rough, Arcae and various CBK members remained
until they were knocked down. In the last year or so it's really only been a handful of us
painting there (Tase, Bue, Fact, Amor, Peru, Arcae, me and one or two visits by Skore, Tens
and Croks) so space hasn't been a problem. Shown on this page are some photos of the more recent
stuff, from the end of 98 to just before Christmas.
Text : Pola/Ecto