-January 1999: started putting this site together.

-March 1999: site goes online at art crimes.

-April 08, 1999: fixed menes/menis mix-up, totally revamped the links section, and added this lame ass update page.

-May 24, 1999: fixed phel/pez mix-up, added new flix from: agres, 21rak, chunk, duem, eros, foset, haze, hence, hoacs, jase, kahn, menes, muse, myth, phable, soe, triel, wasp, worm, zephyr, and zine. new train flick on first page.

-July 26, 1999: did a lot of html work. added new flix from: big5, dev, emit, equis, erupto, fokis, foset, harsh, hoacs, jase, jait, jeers, joker, kady, kaper, moby, mone, myth, natoe, nims, obces, onorok, pavs, pays, pen, pez, retro, revers, saber, sence, shae, shiver, soe, stun, sug, text, tilt, vatoe, yen, zes, and zouh.

-April 2, 2000: sorry bout the lack of updates, been busy being daddy lately. new flix fom the likes of: abuse, bukue, bles, bus, chunk, ewok, gkae, haze, jaber, just, kahn, kept, mber, much, nimz, revok, and saber.