Art Crimes: UK School Project

All images on this page are © copyright 2003 the artists and Kathryn Haigh .

Instructor Kathryn Haigh led her class in a graffiti art excercise. This was the visible result. Invisible results included pride of accomplishment, recognition of talent, and relevant project work.


Project piece and two of the hardest-working contributors.

For the use of other teachers, Ms. Haigh was kind enough to write up her plan:


TITLE Graffiti: Art or Vandalism
Area of Study: Art Room
Unit duration 5 Lessons
Lesson Duration 100 mins (double)

Overall Aims

Intended Outcomes (Learning Objectives)

Media and techniques

Health and Safety

Spray paint


Key Skills


Written notes in sketchbooks on different graffiti artists the history of graffiti


Measuring work to fit together as a design Critical and Contextual research: resources and strategies

Primary research:
Art around local towns: to discuss if graffiti is about art or just a tag war, discuss different ways in which materials has been used and importance of location Students designs: use of line and tone, design selection Photographs of local graffiti: to discuss use of location and tools

Secondary research:
Newspaper articles: to discuss if graffiti is an art form or just vandalism
Books: design ideas, use of colour, graphics and cartoons
Internet: to use this web site for reference and to gather information on different artists

Key Words and Concepts

Developmental Stages of the Unit of Work

Lesson 1

Introduction to Site-specific art and its role in society Introduction to Graffiti Art and group discussion on its role in the community Initial research of local graffiti and graffiti from around the globe H/K go to HYPERLINK "" and gather information on graffiti and select work you find inspiring or interesting, print out and bring to next lesson

Lesson 2

Using material gather to focus on the use of calligraphy and what is trying to be said or shown Introduction to newspaper article where local graffiti artists have rejected on the spot fines soon to be pushed onto anyone seen spray painting around towns and cities. Use this to evoke discussion on the use of graffiti Selection of different graffiti and writing up why each piece is interesting H/K Start to select which pieces are of interest and start to design

Lesson 3

Development of sketches to design possible end designs, which could then be used in a collaborative piece of site-specific art Exploration of different material especially the coloured pencil

Lesson 4

Development of work to produce a finished collaborative design

Lesson 5

Exploring different materials to start and develop final piece

Teaching and learning strategies

Didactic explanations with class question and answer Demonstration of coloured pencils Individual work for final piece and in sketchbook Working in a group on choosing a final design and making final piece Learning through didactic explanations and individual/group experimentation Differentiation


All pupils must:
Some pupils may:

Assessment strategies

Continued student and teacher evaluation. Class discussion about different tools available and how work could be improved upon.

Articles and Interviews

Art Crimes Front Page