Due to an overwhelming approach of beginning graffers who ask us to give them tips about making graffiti, I made this page.
- Use Sparvar, Krylon or Belton cans ( I get nothing paid for saying this..)
- Use an background that does not suck all your paint up. (latexed wood, latexed brickwalls or already done walls)
- Make graff in this order: When necessary Latex, Sketch (use light color(s)), Fill-in, Outline, Highlight
- When its the first time.. god, don't freestyle..
- Only use fatcaps for the fill-in
- Try copying us
- Look at our page every day
oEbe made by Shas (assignment)
In de graffiti onderscheidt men in principe 3 soorten graffiti's:
If you got tips that should be added to the tips-page mail us