- updated daily

Dirty, illegal, hardcore graffiti action ... if thats your cup of tea then get your money out and hunt out a copy of this video.

Over one and a half hours of action including untold amounts of bus bombing, bush bombing, insides, street hits, yard footage, panels and wholecars in traffic, fights, naked birds shagging and the odd kebab shop robbery.

Featuring action from Ser, Zomby, Fume, Coz, Mess, Mear, Ruf, Stylo, Dane, Solo, Enzo, Dier, Swag, Aztek, Inza, Known, Wish, Jae, Zoned, Venga, Crok, Dreph, Shok, Ruin, Buska, Shine, Quest, Skore, Core, Supo, Insane, Char & many many more!!!

Available exclusively from Top 2 Bottom store.

Check the captures below for a little feeling of what to expect.
 >> Tram hits  •    >> Wholecars  •  
 >> Insides  •    >> Railtrack commisions  •  
 >> Jumpdowns  •    >> More insides  •  
 >> Traffic  •    >> Street bombing  •  

[    email : dan@graffiti.org • • • submit your photos : find out how   ]