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In 1984, under the influence of various foreign media a small graffiti scene was formed in Rijeka. Some of the first graffiti artists were: Skizoo, Sly, Ghost, Kode -1,etc. with "old school" and "wild style", while the 3D style becomes popular few years later.
The first graffiti attempts were made in the early days of 1984, named "Ramon" (inspired by the movie "Beat street") and then again in '86, with a graffiti called "word is rap", whose author was Skizoo.
The First crew was founded in 1993.It was called 2WS Crew (Skizoo,Sly,Soksz).
A year later another crew comes around called 187 Crew (Kode -1, Ghost,Throne Get, Greed, Get, K-boy).
1995 is the year when the graffiti scene gets stronger than ever, and for the first time a jam is organized for the occasion where new artists can emerge.
However, the first graffiti writers are the main influence for the new generations, which even today prove their talents on this city's walls. As the scene continued to expand some of the writers had the idea of founding a "legal wall" for their works. That is the wall of the Secondary Commercial School, where an actual Hall of Fame arose soon after.
The process of legalising walls was continued by "Brajda" Primary School and showed that citizens of Rijeka understand this kind of art. We are trully greateful.